Topic: Open Session on Data Assimilation

Friday, September 06, 2024, 07-09UTC

Organizers and Conveners:
Javier Amezcua (Tec. de Monterrey, Mexico; U. Reading, UK)
Tobias Necker (ECMWF, Germany)
Lars Nerger (AWI, Germany)
Nora Schenk (DWD, Germany)
James Taylor (RIKEN, Japan)

The last ISDA-Online event in 2024 will be an "Open Session on Data Assimiliation" without any specific topic. We invited contributions that will not be featured at the in-person ISDA2024 event in Kobe, Japan. Featured talks cover diverse topics from land surface data assimilation and machine learning to methodological developments.

Program/Abstracts (PDF download)


  • Artificial Neural Networks Approach to Predict and Forecasting Significant Wave Height Using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
    Balla Maggero
  • A physics-based method for calculating the displacement of background field
    Yicun Zhen, Valentin Resseguier, Bertrand Chapron
  • Sequential Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Data Assimilation with Applications to Unknown Data Locations
    Hamza Ruzayqat, Alexandros Beskos, Dan Crisan, Nikolas Kantas, Ajay Jasra
  • Ensemble Kalman filter based Land Data Assimilation for the Soil Diffusion based ISBA model
    Abhishek Lodh
  • HGS-PDAF (version 1.0): a modular data assimilation framework for an integrated surface and subsurface hydrological model
    Qi Tang, Hugo Delottier, Wolfgang Kurtz, Lars Nerger, Oliver S. Schilling, Philip Brunner
  • Latest Results of Including ZDR Column for Enhanced Radar Data Assimilation at German weather Service (DWD)
    Kobra Khosravian, Klaus Stephan, Jana Mendrok, Alberto De Lozar, Ulrich Blahak

Time Zones:
07 – 09 UTC
Europe:            08 – 10 am BST (London)      | 09 – 11 am CEST (Berlin)
Asia/Australia: 03 – 05 pm CST (Shanghai)   | 04 – 06 pm JST (Tokyo)      | 05 – 07 pm AEDT (Sydney)
Americas:        12 – 02 am PDT (San Fran.)  | 01 – 03 am MDT (Denver)   | 03 – 05 am EDT (New York)

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