Topic: Parameter Estimation & Inverse Modelling

Friday, June 02, 2023 from 7-9h UTC

Organizers and Conveners: Yvonne Ruckstuhl (W2W, LMU Munich, Germany), Yuefei Zeng (NUIST, Nanjing, China), Lars Nerger (AWI, Germany), Tobias Necker (U. Vienna, Austria)

Estimating uncertain model parameters during data assimilation bears great potential for improving numerical predictions. In recent years, parameter estimation gained increasing popularity in climate and numerical weather prediction applications. This ISDA-online session will be devoted to all aspects of parameter estimation and inverse modeling, including research beyond geosciences. We sincerely invite emerging contributions to these research areas.

Program / Abstracts (PDF Download)

Questions asked during the event (Yopad)

Recorded presentations (RIKEN website)


  • --- Inverse Modelling ---
  • Combining Data Assimilation and Data-driven Sparse Sensing Placement Method For Designing Better Observation Locations (invited)
    Shunji Kotsuki, Takumi Saito, Mao Ouyang, Daiya Shiojiri
  • Critical remarks on inverse modeling techniques (invited)
    Martin Vojta, Andreas Plach, Rona L. Thompson, Andreas Stohl
  • Data assimilation developments for a new emission inversion system at ECMWF
    Luca Cantarello, Nicolas Bousserez, Panagiotis Kountouris, Massimo Bonavita, Richard Engelen

  • --- Parameter Estimation ---
  • Simultaneous inference of sea ice state and surface emissivity model using machine learning and data assimilation
    Alan Geer
  • An Efficient Estimation of Time-Varying Parameters of Dynamic Models by Combining Offline Batch Optimization and Online Data Assimilation
    Yohei Sawada, Le Duc
  • Parameter estimations in Land Surface Model
    Sujeong Lim, Seon Ki Park, Claudio Cassardo

Time Zones:
09 UTC
Europe:            08 – 10 am BST (London)      | 09 – 11 am CEST (Berlin)
Asia/Australia: 03 – 05 pm CST (Shanghai)   | 04 – 06 pm JST (Tokyo)      | 05 – 07 pm AEDT (Sydney)
Americas:        00 – 02 am PDT (San Fran.)  | 01 – 03 am MDT (Denver)   | 03 – 05 am EDT (New York)

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