Topic: Verification and Diagnostics for Data Assimilation

Friday, July 05, 2024 from 7-9h UTC

Organizers and Conveners: In-Hyuk Kwon (KIAPS, Korea), Olaf Stiller (DWD, Germany), Nabir Mamnun (Mercator Ocean International, France), Lars Nerger (AWI, Germany)

When applying DA, the verification of its outcome is of prime importance. With ensemble methods in DA, this implies to also access the performance of the whole ensemble. Aspects are for example the representative of the ensemble, the skill of the DA to incorporate the observational information in a multivariate way and its ability to produce skillful forecasts initialized from the analysis. For this event, we invite contributions on all types of diagnostic and verification methods and their application in DA.

Program / Abstracts (PDF download)

Questions asked during the event (Yopad)

Presentations: (invited talk 25min + 5 min Q&A / contributed talks 13min + 3min Q&A each)

  • Innovation-based Diagnosis of Error Covariances
    Loïk Berre *invited*
  • The Fractions Skill Score for Ensemble Verification
    Tobias Necker, Ludwig Wolfgruber, Lukas Kugler, Martin Weissmann, Manfred Dorninger, Stefano Serafin
  • Diagnostics on 2m Temperature assimilation in the KENDA-CH1 system at MeteoSwiss
    Krishnamoorthy Chandramouli, Daniel Leuenberger, Claire Merker
  • EnFSOI-Jof: An Objective Approach for Computing Observation Impact in Observation Space
    Giovanni Conti, C. Cardinali, G. De Goncalves
  • Verification and diagnostic issues illustrated by the assimilation of Mode-S aircraft data
    Bruce Ingleby
  • Can we diagnose/assess localization functions directly with observations?
    Olaf Stiller

Time Zones:
09 UTC
Europe:            08 – 10 am BST (London)      | 09 – 11 am CEST (Berlin)
Asia/Australia: 03 – 05 pm CST (Shanghai)   | 04 – 06 pm JST (Tokyo)      | 05 – 07 pm AEDT (Sydney)
Americas:        00 – 02 am PDT (San Fran.)  | 01 – 03 am MDT (Denver)   | 03 – 05 am EDT (New York)

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