Special Event: Machine Learning in Data Assimilation
Friday, January 12, 2024 from 15-17 UTC
Organizers and Conveners: Tobias Necker, Nora Schenk, Javier Amezcua, James Taylor, Lars Nerger
Invited Chairs: Yvonne Ruckstuhl (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany)
Invited Speakers: Alan Geer (ECMWF, UK), Stephan Rasp (Google Research, US), Ronan Fablet (IMT Atlantique, France)
During the last few years, we witnessed a fast development on the use of Machine Learning (ML) approaches in combination with Data Assimilation (DA). This special event will feature invited presentations by distinguished ML and DA experts, namely Alan Geer, Stephan Rasp, and Ronan Fablet. The speakers will provide an overview of the state and potential of these developments in their domain, both from the methodological and applied perspectives. Overall, this special event aims to unveil synergies and differences between ML and DA and to highlight why Machine Learning is not just a buzzword but a powerful tool for analyzing, predicting, and understanding environmental systems.
Program / Abstracts (PDF Download)
Questions asked during the event (Yopad)
Session recordings (RIKEN website / Youtube)
Invited presentations: (each talk 30min + 5min Q&A)
- Combining machine learning and data assimilation at ECMWF
Alan Geer (ECMWF, UK) - The second revolution in numerical weather prediction and its implications for data assimilation
Stephan Rasp (Google Research, US) - End-to-end neural data assimilation: from toy examples to uncertainty quantification with real ocean data
Ronan Fablet (IMT Atlantique, France)
Time Zones:
15 – 17 UTC
Europe: 03 – 05 pm GMT (London) | 04 – 06 pm CET (Berlin)
Asia/Australia: 11 – 01 am CST (Shanghai) | 00 – 02 am JST (Tokyo) | 02 – 04 am AEDT (Sydney)
Americas: 07 – 09 am PST (San Fran.) | 08 – 10 am MST (Denver) | 10 – 12 am EST (New York)
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